General Assembly 2021

On November 24, 2021, the members and guests of the Max Planck BioImaging Network MaxBi met for the annual general meeting. Unlike originally planned, the meeting was held as an online-only event, as the rapidly increasing infection numbers of the Corona pandemic did not allow a meeting in presence.

November 24, 2021

Besides a discussion about facility management software solutions, there were three very interesting presentations by Prof. Melina Schuh, Prof. Jan Huisken and Christian Dienemann, to which guests were also invited.
You can download a detailed report here and we are also allowed to make the presentations of Prof. Jan Huisken and Christian Dienemann available online.

In the closed session the working groups presented their reports about the last year's work to the members and the meeting was closed with the election of Arun Sampathkumar to be the deputy spokesperson of MaxBI and of Stefan Volkery to be a member of the steering committee.

At the Max Planck BioImaging Network General Assembly, Prof. Jan Huisken gives a scientific talk on light sheet microscopy and its development into an important and flexible application for biological research.

Putting advanced light sheet microscopy in the hands of biologists

At the Max Planck BioImaging Network General Assembly, Prof. Jan Huisken gives a scientific talk on light sheet microscopy and its development into an important and flexible application for biological research.
At the Max Planck BioImaging Network General Assembly, Christian Dienemann talks about the search for antivirals against SARS-CoV-2 as a therapeutical aproach with the help of cryo electron microscopy

Electrons expose the mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 antivirals

At the Max Planck BioImaging Network General Assembly, Christian Dienemann talks about the search for antivirals against SARS-CoV-2 as a therapeutical aproach with the help of cryo electron microscopy
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